The Michigan state Senate passed legislation Tuesday that Democrats and others call anti-union. The bills would prevent public employers from paying employees while they conduct union business.
Proponents say taxpayer dollars shouldn’t go toward union business.
Senator Marty Knollenberg (R-Troy) is a bill sponsor.
“If a person is doing union business, then a union should pay for it. And so I’m not suggesting that they can’t take leave time, I just don’t think taxpayers should be paying for that. That’s really what it comes down to,” says Knollenberg.
Opponents say the legislation seeks to weaken unions and make it harder for them to work with their members.
Senator Vincent Gregory (D-Lathrup Village) is a former union leader. He says the legislation tries to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.
“If there was an issue, if there was a problem, if there was something, then I’m sure we would all hear about it, if there was a problem with this labor. But we haven’t heard about it. This is something that’s being created – and as I said, it’ll just create more of a problem,” says Gregory.
The bill has multiple exemptions carved out – for people like police and firefighters – and will mainly impact public school employees.