Students studied the Maple River near the University of Michigan Biological Station to understand what happens to a stream and its ecology when a dam is removed.
The independent forensic report concludes that blame for dam failures in Sanford and Edenville cannot be placed on anyone individual, organization or group.
More than ten months after a devastating flood, a Sanford institution is reopening on Easter Sunday.The May 19 failures of the Edenville and Sanford dams…
It will be a few more days before a task force set up to study Michigan’s dam safety regulations will finish its final report.The delay is because of…
The state of Michigan will soon move forward with repairs to part of the remaining section of the Edenville Dam. The dam’s failure on May 19 contributed…
A new report says Michigan should invest more money and hire more staff in its dam safety office.The failure of two dams back in May and the resulting…
Thousands of lake front property owners in mid-Michigan may have to pay hundreds or potentially thousands of dollars a year to get their lakes back.The…
A special task force set up to study Michigan’s dam safety rules and regulations met virtually for the first time Tuesday.Liesl Clark is the head of the…
A new special task force will meet for the first time Tuesday to review state policy in the wake of the failure of two dams back in May.More than ten…
In the weeks since the Edenville Dam failed, and flooded Midland, the focus has been on why it failed.But the people who live upstream from the dam also…